If you suffer from constant attacks of constipation, diarrhea, or both you’re not alone. If these symptoms occur frequently around potentially stressful situations; you probably have a condition named Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome attacks many around the world, and oddly more women than men are affected. For all those who can relate to these frequent and often life interrupting symptoms, they only want to hear that there is a cure for IBS. There are many who have had this disease dictate the actions of their entire life. However, when they go to their doctor hoping that this visit will yield an IBS cure, they usually receive a long drawn out dissertation on the history of the disease, a few over the counter stomach ache medicines that might help, and a prescription for an anti-anxiety medicine. Instead of an IBS cure, these patients receive a drug that they will no doubt become dependent on and often still have the same symptoms. Often times, people with IBS spend a lot of money and time looking for answers from multiple doctors and technicians. If you are like many of these sufferes, you might have received some releife, but the disease is far from cured or gone. However, there is an IBS cure made of natural supplements available from Bavolex.
Some people are likelier than others to suffer from spastic colon. Women are especially at risk, especially young women. Stress–at home, at work, in a relationship and in a variety of other circumstances–is also a major factor. Certain foods can trigger spastic colon, as can anxiety or depression.
These studies have lead to the formulation of Bavolex. It contains plant enzymes and extracts designed to help Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This amazing formula stops constipation and bloating. It improves digestion and calms the nervous condition the person suffers from. What is it exactly that Bavolex contains?
Your Doctor may suspect that you have IBS due to your symtoms. There are specific symptoms that a doctor will look for which is called the “Rome Criteria”. Your doctor may order other medical tests to be sure that you don’t have another health problem that causes the same symptoms. To diagnose IBS you may be asked to take some blood tests and a physical exam. Some other tests that may be included are a Lower Gastrointestinal (GI) Series, which x-rays your abdomen to see any problems in the Large Intestine. Another test is a Colonoscopy, which is when the doctor inserts a tiny camera into your colon to take pictures to see if there are any problems there.
Although IBS doesnt cause serious conditions such as colon cancer or intestinal damage, hemorrhoids can result if it goes untreated.
IBS is not generally considered to be a life threatening disease and is one that can be treated quite successfully when properly diagnosed. It has been shown when treatments are specifically tailored to the specific form of IBS the IBS symptoms can normally be resolved. A specific diagnosis of the disease, therefore, is the most important factor in helping a patient cope with IBS and its symptoms.
Learn more about ibs drug. Stop by our site where you can find out all about Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet.
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